four cpd23 things. in short.

Thing 15: Attending, presenting at and organising seminars, conferences and other events

Not so much to say about conference and attending. Simply, the few time I went to a conference I was astonished about the people I found. So, keep in mind (when you go or organise one) that the best part of a conference will be the buffet or the free time. And that’s the time to network, don’t be shy, remember thing 2 🙂
(Sure, there’s also boring conference with boring people. In that case, feel free to tweet about it. Maybe you can help someone to avoid making the same mistake)
I love speak to people. Currently not for conference but for training course of our software. I’ve just started, so have a lot to learn, but hope that in the future will be place for conferences (please just help me to find the time to write a paper)
For the organisation thing, now I’m really busy, but someday….who knows…

Thing 16: Advocacy, speaking up for the profession and getting published

Not sure what can I say about advocacy. Sometimes, working especially for public libraries, I found myself thinking about advocacy for librarians. I mean, there’s a lot of good persons inside public libraries, but not as many librarians as I expect. For my job, I must talk with people that think they own the books and rather than make an interlibrary loan they close the library.
For now, my advocacy practice will be: increase the maximum number of loanable documents (“yes, patron we trust you”), help libraries build community (i’m reading it). Starting from little things is an hope to reach the objective.
As Enrico stated, get published means “document everytime, show everything” (of your work :P). We are trying to do our best in this way, but it’s not so simple.

Thing 18: Jing / screen capture / podcasts (making and following them)

Podcasting could be an interesting way to communicate on the internet, in Italy there’s a blog called BiblioCAST, and is not so much time that I found This week in libraries 🙂 Sadly pod/screen-casting could be also more time consuming than write a post.
Screenshot is my daily bread and I use Shutter. For Mac I see my colleagues use Skitch.
Still search some useful application to make screen capture videos on linux (anyhow, as usual, I suggest to use

Thing 19: Catch up week on integrating ‘things’

As I can say until now, I’ve lost the pace with lessons. Also has become tough to reflect every time if its better or not to translate italian/eglish my post. Anyhow, I continue appreciate so much cpd23 because help me reflect on the better tools for librarianship.


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